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We Will Collide Someday by Scarlett Sanchez

Chapter 86
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Chapter 86 Has He Ever Been on Her Side? 

Speak of the devil. 

Just as Carissa finished speaking, someone pushed open the door and entered the ward. 

Terrence wore a dark blue suit, and his temperament looked cold. Even the eyes he looked

at Alexa 

were cold. 

“It’s really rare for Mr. Ramsey to come here.” Carissa’s impression of Terrence was

extremely bad. “Your mistress injured Alexa to such an extent, but Mr. Ramsey didn’t let

her come and apologize?” Carissa asked. 

Terrence glanced at the bandage on Alexa’s forehead and glanced at Carissa with his dark


“Get out.” 

“What right do you have to order me? Alexa may listen to you, but I won’t.” 

Carissa’s tone became more and more excited, and Terrence’s face became colder and


Alexa was anxious, and she pressed down on the back of Carissa’s hand. 

Carissa looked at her and immediately understood what Alexa meant. 

“Alexa, if he dares to bully you, call me in immediately.” 

Terrence stood at the side like an iceberg, his eyes gradually turning cold. 

The moment Carissa closed the door, he immediately made a move. 

Alexa had just turned around when Terrence leaned down and pinched her chin. 

“Bully you?” He pondered over these two words and asked curiously, “What is considered

bullying you? Like this?” 

After Terrence finished speaking, he leaned closer and bit her delicate lips. 

“Is it?” 

He lowered his head and buried it in her neck. Everywhere he touched, there was a red


Alexa’s hand was cold, and even her face was pale. 

Even though Terrence kissed her, Alexa could still feel that he was extremely angry. 

The warmth and itchiness on her neck were instantly removed. Terrence stood in front of

her and tidied his clothes. His expression was as indifferent as ice. 

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It was as if he had never known her. 

 ́Alexa expressionlessly raised her hand to pull at her loose clothes and silently buttoned

up the 

loose buttons. 

She propped her hands on the bed and looked up at him like an abandoned cat waiting for

its master to pamper her. 

“Brynlee’s condition is much more serious than yours. She almost hurt her eyes, not to


that she is a star.” 

“She was the one who hit Carissa. She even asked the others to attack Carissa together.” 

“Even so, you can’t hurt her like this,” Terrence said coldly and mercilessly, “This time, I

can’t be on your side. Alexa, you’ve gone too far.” 

On her side? 

Alexa smiled silently, her eyes full of tears. 

When had Terrence been on her side? 

Had it ever happened once? 

Alexa lowered her head, not letting Terrence see the look on her face. 


Hearing it, Terrence lowered his head in surprise, simply unable to believe that this was

something Alexa could say. 

“You shouldn’t have said it to me. You should apologize to Brynlee.” 


Alexa immediately agreed. There was a bright smile on her face as she raised her head. 

Terrence did not think she was happy. Alexa’s hidden emotions were as dark as a storm. 

Carissa and Alexa followed him to Brynlee’s ward. Alexa immediately saw the bandage

wrap around 

Brynlee’s head. 

Brynlee’s injury looked similar to Alexa’s. Alexa gently stroked her hair and the wound on

her forehead was still hurting. 

When Brynlee saw Alexa and Carissa, Brynlee immediately became excited. She picked up

the thing at hand and threw it to Alexa without caring about her image. 

Terrence immediately stepped forward and protected Brynlee in his arms, gently

comforting her. 

Brynlee grabbed his arm and wailed. She sobbed. 

“Terrence, I don’t want to see them. Hurry and chase them out!” 

Carissa stood in front of Alexa and glared at Brynlee with a gloomy face. 

“What are you doing? Do you think we want to come here?” 

Seeing the situation become tense again, Terrence secretly gave Alexa a look. 

Alexa bitterly understood what he meant. She quietly walked in front of Carissa and bowed

respectfully to Brynlee. 

“Sorry, I should not have hurt you.” 

Brynlee did not want to accept her apology at all and continued to cry. She just made a

scene in Terrence’s arms. 

“Terrence, the doctor said it will leave a scar. What should I do? I don’t want to be

disfigured. This is not something an apology can solve!” 

“I will contact the best plastic surgeon. I won’t let you leave a scar.” 

Terrence really loved Brynlee. He would even personally arrange such a small matter for


Alexa’s delicate neck seemed to have been gently touched by an electric current and she

began to itch again. 

The warmth of Terrence’s thin lips seemed to still linger on her neck. 

“You hit me, and now want to ruin my face? Do you want to ruin my life?” 

Brynlee roared emotionally. If Terrence had not been present, she would have jumped off

the bed 

and torn Alexa to pieces right now! 

“Don’t push your luck.” Carissa grabbed Alexa and glanced at Brynlee with a strong

temper. “By the way, let the doctor make you a face. Everyone has a face. Why don’t you

have it?” 

“Ms. Barrell, watch your words.” 

Terrence spoke word by word. His tone was full of threat, and his face was as cold as ice. 

“You asked me to stay with Alexa. Alexa was bullied. Can’t I retaliate?” Carissa was

extremely angry 

as she scolded Terrence without any fear, “You are really a competent husband. No one

can do better than you.” 

“Husband? Make it clear. Terrence is my fiancé!” Brynlee bared her teeth and glared at

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Carissa, clenching her fists. 

Seeing that Brynlee was going to quarrel with them again, Terrence glanced at Alexa and



“You go back now.” 

Carissa immediately grabbed Alexa’s hand and took her away without hesitation. Before

Carissa went out, she cursed. 

“Damn it!” 

Half an hour later, the ward quieted down again. Brynlee fell weakly into Terrence’s arms,

her heart filled with the joy of victory. 

She didn’t believe that Terrence still couldn’t see Alexa’s true face even in this situation! 

However, Terrence silently let go of her and stood in front of the hospital bed slightly



“What exactly happened? Was it really Alexa who took the initiative to hit you?” Terrence


“Terrence, I know I was a little agitated just now.” Brynlee grabbed his hand in panic.

“But… but how can you not believe me?” 

“If I didn’t believe you, why would I let her apologize to you?” 

After Terrence finished speaking, he slowly pushed her hand away. 

“I still have something to deal with. I will come to see you later.” 

“Terrence, Terrence!” 

Terrence pushed the door open and walked out. He thought of the red mark on Alexa’s


But when he walked to Alexa’s ward, it was empty. 

Terrence immediately glanced at the bodyguard at the door and asked with a displeased


“Where is she?” 

“Mr. Ramsey, Mrs. Ramsey has left with Ms. Barrell.” 


Terrence immediately panicked.

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