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Unconscious Husband: Meet Her Love In Silence by Ken Slaner

Chapter 85
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Chapter: 85

They searched the scene, but the delivery guy had long gone.

Onlookers began whispering among themselves.

“Did Brielle do something? Why else would someone do that to her?”

“It must be because of one of her affairs. Who knows how many men she’s slept with?”

“She deserves it. She’s so arrogant. I’ve never liked her.”

“Quiet, people. Keep your voice down. Don’t let her hear you. She has Mr. Jasper Anderson protecting


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Standing in the crowd, Ariana sneered and threw the card in the trash can, before leaving with Sarah.

That whole morning, everyone was talking about Brielle’s “special gift”, and Ariana and Sarah held up

their coffees to celebrate the successful completion of their plan.

In the small office, there was a sofa, a deck chair, an exclusive pantry, and a bathroom. It had been

arranged by the company specially for Sarah when she had been the most popular.

But Sarah seldom came here. Ariana had been using it as a temporary work space for the past two

days. Donna stopped making things difficult for Ariana for now, but she didn’t help her, either. Donna

just let the two work on their own.

That was fine for Ariana. No one would give her any trouble, and she was glad to be free.

The laptop on the table beeped, alerting her of a new email. She put her cup down and checked the

screen. The organizer of a variety show called “Miss Back” had invited Sarah to take part.

This was a new show, which brought on actresses or female singers over thirty who were trying to

restart or boost their careers.

Being a new show, it was unknown territory, so normally famous artists wouldn’t take part.

Over the past few days, many of the top artists in the company had refused the invitation. Some of the

less well-known artists were interested, but were a little hesitant.

But this was a rare opportunity for Sarah.

Without much thought, Ariana persuaded Sarah to accept.

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“Do you really think I could do it? You know it’s been years since I was on stage.” Sarah looked a little

panicked. Years of a bad marriage had worn down her self-confidence and made her more pessimistic.

Ariana raised her head to look Sarah in the eye. “I believe you can do this. We can’t miss this

opportunity,” she said firmly. “We’ve finally turned the tables. We have to be persistent if you want to

regain your fame.”

After a moment, Sarah nodded. “Okay, let’s fight again.

Ariana gave her a big hug. “I’ll call them and ask to sign the contract tomorrow.”

That evening, Ariana left work in a good mood, which rarely happened.

She went back to the Anderson family’s residence by subway. When she walked through the door, the

villa was quiet and the garden lights were dark. Normally Judy would be in the kitchen cooking at this

time. Why couldn’t she smell anything?

Ariana rubbed her hungry stomach and put on her slippers, calling out to Judy.