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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 52
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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn Chapter 52

It was my first day back to school since being kidnapped. My parents had increased security

everywhere; the academy had tripled its guards. As per their wish, I had two bodyguards following me

wherever I went, even in the academy, considering that’s where I’d gotten kidnapped in the first place.

My parents were now afraid of every step I took away from them. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were

waiting for me in their vehicles right outside. They didn’t want me to return; they said it was too risky. I

chose to do it because I wanted to be near Atticus. He wouldn’t be able to remember me if I was

nowhere around to remind him of us.

I was no longer living with Atticus; since he wasn’t aware that we were married, I would have to stay

with my parents for now. It wasn’t easy knowing that things had changed so much between us in just a

few days, but I had to learn to come to terms with it. I was just happy that he’d survived the crash.

I loved being near my family, but I loved being next to Atticus more. I wanted to be back in our room

together, watching him sleep next to me and tease him when I wanted to. I wanted things to return to

where they were before I’d lost him to memory loss.

I wish there were a way for me to return to the Fawn’s home without Atticus suspecting anything. I

didn’t like being this far from him. I hated it so much. Now that I knew he almost died while trying to

save me, I was even more desperate to be next to him. I wanted to thank him for trying his best to

protect me, and I wanted to apologize for immediately thinking the worst when I saw the images of him

and Anya together.

He wasn’t the horrible one. She was. She knew the truth, yet she made him think they were still


“Are you okay?” Clarissa asks me. “I know it will not be easy pretending you’re not with Atticus. And I

know it will be harder having to see him with Anya. She will undoubtedly use this to her advantage for

as long as possible. Don’t let her get to you. Atticus was only acting like this because he couldn’t

remember anything. You got him to choose you once; I’m positive that he will choose you again. You

need to remind him what It’s like to have you in his life. And I know that’s not difficult for you to do. Your

presence is something that no one can ignore, not even Atticus. His eyes will always go straight to you

whether he likes it or not.”

I could do that. I could remind Atticus of what we had without causing him any harm. My problem was

seeing him with Anya. Now that he thought they were still together, there was no telling what they

would do. I didn’t want to think of him touching and kissing her. It made me feel sick to my stomach. I

didn’t want him with anyone but me.

Anya played dirty to get what she wanted. That was the type of person she was. She didn’t care about

anyone’s feelings but her own.

“Are they going to be following us everywhere?” Clarissa asks me as she points at the two bodyguards

behind us.

I nod, “it’s the only reason my parents agreed to let me return to the academy.”

She sighs, “I guess I’m okay with it as long as they keep you safe. I don’t want to lose you again. It was

a horrifying experience, and I never want to relive it.”

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We stop walking when we see Atticus and Anya in front of us. He’s hugging her, and her arms are

wrapped tightly around his neck. The immediate pain in my chest at the sight almost made me trip over

my own two feet.

It’s already beginning—the pain. What could I do to make this easier?

Clarissa held my hand, giving me the strength that I needed. “You can do this. Remember, you’re the

one he wants; his heart knows it even if his mind doesn’t. His heart will always win the battle. Anya

can’t do anything to change that.”

I was grateful to have Clarissa with me. I felt guilty for ever thinking that she had betrayed me. I should

have known that she was genuine and kind.

Anya turns around and spots us. There is a triumphant smile on her face as she leans into Atticus. Her

head is on his chest, and her hands are holding onto his arms.

Atticus follows her gaze, and his entire body goes rigid when his eyes fall on me. There is obvious

tension between the two of us.

“He doesn’t even look at Anya like that,” Clarissa whispers. “And he doesn’t even remember being

married to you. It’s proof that his heart still belongs to you; he must remember that.”

Anya whispers something to him, and he looks away from me. I guess that she told him to stop staring.

“I’m so glad to have you back,” Anya says. “I was in shock yesterday since you didn’t tell me that you

were returning. But today, I’m just happy to see you.”

Of course, she had to continue the lie she told Atticus. She also had to pretend that we were still best

friends. That’s the last thing Atticus would remember, us being on good terms with each other.

“It’s good to be back as well,” I respond. “Things are different from what I remember them to be.”

“Well, sometimes change is a good thing, Autumn. You’ll be happier if you accept what it is now.”

Atticus looks between us, and I can tell how confused he is. He doesn’t know what we’re speaking

about; he also doesn’t know that it’s all about him.

“We’re having a party tonight at our home,” Atticus says suddenly. “Why don’t you come?”

Anya glares at him, surprised that he’d asked me. Even I was surprised that he’d invited me to his

home. In the past, before we were married, Atticus never did things like this. He never asked me to any

parties. What made this different? Maybe Clarissa was right; perhaps he still had our memories in his

heart and couldn’t control his actions around me.

“Why are you inviting her?” Anya demands.

Atticus looks taken aback by her question, “I thought that’s what you wanted me to do. You just said

that you’re happy that she’s back. Wouldn’t you be happier if Autumn was there tonight?”

She was trapped. She was the one pretending that everything was perfect between us. Now, what

could she say to defend her actions? How long would she keep pretending that she considered me her

friend? I knew her well. Eventually, she would slip up and tell Atticus the truth about us not being on

good terms. Would she tell him why though? I knew the answer; she would make something up to

make me look bad. She always wanted Atticus to hate me. Now was the perfect opportunity for her to

do that.

“Of course, I want to see her there.” She lies. “I’m just worried that she wouldn’t fit in well. She barely

knows anyone but me. Autumn is not popular, you know. She’s nothing like me. Not everyone is as

lucky as I am.”

Clarissa rolls her eyes, “the only reason you’re popular is because of Atticus, Dante, and Damon. No

one would know you existed if it weren’t for them.”

“Clarissa,” Atticus growls.

She puts her hands up in defense, “I missed the time when you didn’t defend her every damn second

of the day. I would have treasured it more if I knew it wouldn’t have lasted long.”

“Watch what you say,” Anya warns her.

“Is there something everyone is purposefully keeping from me? I feel left out of almost every

conversation since I woke up on that hospital bed.” Atticus points out.

I want to shout the truth to him, but what good would that do me? It would risk him going into a shock

and causing more harm, or he would choose to stay with Anya. If he’s defending her like in the past,

I’m sure he would choose her over me, just like he did multiple times before.

“Nothing whatsoever,” Anya says as she grabs his arm and pulls her forward with him.

“Just when I thought we were closer to getting Anya out of our lives, she comes right back in.” Clarissa

sighs. “I’m sorry you have to see this, Autumn. I know it can’t be easy.”

“It’s okay,” I assure her. “Loving Atticus has always been a challenge for me. I never gave up in the

past. I’m not giving up on us now.”

I meant those words. Anya could try to separate us, and I knew she would do everything possible to

make that happen, but I was not letting her take him from me.

Maybe in the past, when I thought Atticus didn’t want to be with me, but I knew now that he did, I knew

that he cared. I knew that he had given his life to protect me.

I didn’t care who was trying to keep us apart; they would fail.

As soon as we step into the classroom, all eyes are on me. They must have all heard the news about

my return by now. No articles had been posted, but communication always traveled fast in our town.

Anya is seated next to Atticus, and it annoys me. That’s my seat. Not hers.

I focused on the professor; I wanted him to do what I couldn’t.

“I’ll be in charge of the seating arrangements today.” He announces as everyone groans at his words.

“Autumn, you sit next to Atticus. Anya, you sit next to Brad.”

I didn’t listen to anything else after that. I’d gotten what I wanted—a chance to be next to Atticus. The

more time I spent with him, the easier it would become for me to help him regain his memories. If Anya

continued to get closer to him, it would make things even more difficult for me. I couldn’t let that


Atticus surprised me when he pulled the chair out for me.

I sat beside him quietly, and he didn’t try speaking to me while Mr. Henry started the class.

“I want to know more about this bout the accident,” I whisper. He tilted his head slightly so that he was

now looking at me. “How are you? Are you traumatized from experience?”

I truly wanted to know everything. I hate that I couldn’t be there for him while he was in the hospital.

“Traumatized?” He asks. “No.”

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That was good, but he could just be telling me that. His answer was short and nothing like what I was

used to after marrying him.

I bite my lip and play with the pen in front of me; I don’t know what else to say—the one thing I wanted

to, I couldn’t. I had to keep quiet, and I wasn’t sure how much longer.

“But there are plenty of things that keep bothering me.” He adds, surprising me. Was he able to see

how disappointed I was with his dry response? Was that why he decided to tell me more?

“What is bothering you?” I question, waiting for him to explain further.

“It seems the people closest to me have been lying to me.” He finally says. “These are people that I

trust with my life. They aren’t the only ones. I feel like the entire school is keeping secrets from me.

Family, friends, everyone.”

I held my breath; it was true; everyone was lying to him, including me. I didn’t want to do it, but I was

only trying to do the same thing he would do for me. If our roles had been reversed, Atticus would do

everything in his power to protect me. I knew not telling him would only make me suffer, but what was

love without a challenge?

“Did it ever occur to you that maybe everyone is keeping secrets from you because they want to protect

you?” I ask. “It wasn’t a simple accident you were involved in, Atticus. Everyone cares about you. That

is all.”

His gaze is on me, staring directly at my face, trying to read my expression. “You seem to know plenty,

Autumn. Do you happen to know what everyone is keeping from me?”

My cheeks are red, and I’m trying hard to keep a straight face. I didn’t want to give anything away. “I

think we’re getting distracted from class. We should listen to what Mr. Henry is saying before he puts us

out of the class.”

He runs a hand through his hair, and he looks slightly annoyed, “Of course, you wouldn’t be of any

help. Why did I think talking to you would solve my problems?”

I’m startled by his question.

He thought that speaking to me would solve everything. Why?

“Why did you think talking to me would help?” I ask, curious to know what his response to that question

would be like.

“It’s nothing.” He says. “Forget I said anything.”

I couldn’t let this slide. How could I?

He wanted me to forget what he said, but that was impossible. It wasn’t something I could easily forget.

“Tell me, Atticus.” I insist. Now I was the one desperate for his answer. “I want to know why you said

that to me.”

I don’t have time to prepare as he grabs the back of my neck and pulls my face closer to his.

What was he doing? We were in the middle of class, and everyone could see us if they had just looked

up from their books. Not to mention the professor who was right in front of us. And did he have no care

in the world that Anya could also see how close we were?

His eyes were closed as he pressed his forehead against mine, “because no matter what I do, I can’t

get you out of my f*****g mind.”

I gasp. Unable to move even an inch.

Did I hear him correctly? Did Atticus really say that to me that even though he had lost his memories?