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The Unbreakable Bond By Cornelia Darwin

Chapter 295
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Chapter 295

Although they also knew that Leonardo’s relationship with Rosalind was much better now, and it was

very likely that Rosalind would forgive Leonardo, they still didn’t like Leonardo.

Yanna disliked Leonardo even more because Leopardo took Rosalind away.

Yanna was angry with Leonardo, but she had to admit that Leonardo was smarter than both her and


If they wanted to Eight against Leonardo, it seemed that they had to think about it cautiously.

Yanna rubbed her chin in deep thought, looking serious.

She suggested. “Kevin, I have an iden. Let me help you?

Yanna believed that with both her and Revin, they would be better than Leonardo,

The two kids began quietly to formulate a plan to trick Leonardo.

Meanwhile, Leonardo sneezed several times.

Leonardo and Rosalind were at the Haldorin University, and Leonardo just picked up two amber maple

leaves for Rosalind.

“What’s up? Have you caught a cold?” Rosalind stepped forward and asked worriedly.

Leonardo joked, “Tmn fine. Maybe someone is thinking about me”

Leonardo smiled lightly and handed the maple leaves to Rosalind

Leonardo continued, “These two leaves are the most beautiful ones. I’ll keep them for the love letter I’m

going to give you.”

Rosalind blushed and rolled her eyes at Leonardo

Rosalind murmured. “We’re not young anymore. That’s more for younger prople.”

But Leonardo didn’t think so.

“Young people nowadays don’t spend time on this. Communication technology is so advanced that love

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confessions can be edited for people by WhatsApp’s system. They are not as sincere as lan Every

word I say comes from the bottom of my heart.”

When Leonardo approached Rosalind’s ear and said the last word, he hit Rosalind’s ear gently.

Rosalind’s whole body was weak and numb because of the bite, and she felt it and comfortable.

“What are you doing? There are so many prople here.”

Rosalind glanced around embarrassedly, but she was stunned at what she saw.

Several couples were sitting around under the maple trees, smuggling up to each other and kissing

without scruples, making Rosalind blush.

She thought, “Are young people nowadays so brave? Don’t they care about the onlookers?”

1.eonardo seemed to know what Rosalind was thinking, so he sailed and flicked her forehead,

“Why are you so surprised? Maple Grove has long been a famous site for dating couples at Haldorin

University. It would be strange to do nothing here, Leonardo chuckles.

Rosalind raised her eyebrows and looked at Leonardo in surprise.

She asked. “How do you know that?

Leonardo smiled faintly, looked up at Maple Grove, and began, “In the past five years, I came to Maple

Grove for a walk whenever I missed you. That’s why.”

But in the past five years, Leonardo had been alone all the time. Now it was different because he had

the woman he loved by

Jis side.

Rosalind raised her head and looked at Lenardo, who looked even more attractive in the sunlight.

His slender neck was fair. Every time he said something, his Adam’s Apple rolled up and down like an

attractive wild fruit bung in his throat, exuding a tempting attraction

Rosalind stared at it quietly for a while. Spontaneously, star stood out tiptoe, took Leonardo’s arm, and

gently kissed his Adam’s Apple before he noticed it.

Leonardo didn’t expect Rosalind to do this. He was stunned for a moment and did not move for a long

while. Rosalind also realized that she didn’t kiss the fruit but Leonardo’s Adam’s Apple, which made her

blush instantly Just a Rosalind was about to push Rosalind away, Leonardo suddenly reached out and

held Rosalind in lus arms agaļu.

Chapter 295

He stroked the back of Rosalind’s head with one hand, held her slender waist with the other, and

kissed her.

The autumn sunshine was warm, falling in the Maple Grove. Through the amble maple leaves sc

attered on people’s bodies, the dappled shadows of the trees intertwine to create a beautiful picture.

In the evening. Leonardo arrived at the Jansen villa with Rosalind

Leonardo came here to pick up the two kids and apologize to Nafis and Margery. To show that he was

sincere, he was well prepared, including giving Nafis and Margery gifts based on what he had

researched about their preferences.

However, Nafis and Margery were less than friendly. Seeing Leonardo, who stood aside from Rosalind,

both Nafis and Margery were a bit displeased

Nafis led Leonardo into the study, while Margery pulled Rosalind aside. She scolded, “Have you

forgotten how his mother hurt you? You forgive him like this?”

Margery was worried about Rosalind. She didn’t want

mt Rosalind to be fooled by Leonardo again.

Rosalind held Margery’s hand and smiled to comfort her. “Mom, as you said, it was his mother who hurt

me. It wasn’t him. I was angry at that time because he didn’t help me. But after I thought about it, I

knew I wouldn’t help Leonardo either if you got into an argument with him. As a son, how can he blame

his parents?

“Besides, we are not in a relationship yet. We… We’re just dating. Don’t worry. Il dump him if he can’t

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meet my time”

This was Rosalind’s true though. She loved Leonardo, so she was willing to give him another chance.

needs this

But if Leonardo hurt Rosalind again in the future, she wouldn’t endure it as meekly as she did before

and would leave without hesitation.

After all that she had been through, Rosalind learned that life wasn’t all about love. She had her family,

her friends, her career, and her dreams.

Love was just a small part of life. She would be grateful if she was loved the way she wanted to be

loved. But she wouldn’t complain or feel despair if she couldn’t

Margery observed Rosalind’s expression carefully. Seeing that she had made up her mind. Margery

didn’t know what to say.

This might be a common problem for all mothers. They were afraid that their daughters would get hurt,

but they always supported their daughters’ choices.

Margery sighed. “As long as that’s what you want, it’s fine. You know, you still have me, your Dad, your

brother, Kevin, and Yama. We all wish you the best.”

Margery couldn’t help reminding Rosalind, fearing that she would get carried away by love again.”

Rosalind’s eyes were wet. She nodded slowly and stuck his head into Margery’s arins.

In the study, Natis and Leonardo sat opposite each other across a large mahogany desk.

One was elegant, and the other was domineering. For a moment, nu one spoke.

“Last time in the hospital, you said that you would take good care of Rosa, and I believed you. But

considering everything that happened during this period. I doubt your ability and your promise. I doubt if

I did something wrong again.”

Nafis couldn’t help but speak first. He mentioned the word “again” to make it clear to Leonardo that he

regretted agreeing to Richard marrying Rosalind to Lenianto.

Leonardo’s pupils constricted slightly, and self-blame appeared in his stern eyes.