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Super CEO Daddy

Chapter 61
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Sure enough, the call was from a recruiter, and they seemed to be from a company called “Cute Pets.”

However, Gwendolyn felt a little concerned as she didn't apply to it, nor had she ever taken care of


Nonetheless, it seemed to be a well-known franchise store.

As it was difficult to find work these days, she gritted her teeth and decided to try it out. It was better to

be employed, after all.

“Yes, I am. I'll be right over. Please let me know the address,” she said.

Gwendolyn ended the call after receiving the information. She then drove over in her car right away.

When she arrived, she discovered that Cute Pets was a massive store. It even had a large parking lot

set aside for pet owners in front of the entrance.

It was still in the morning at present. Hence, the area was mostly deserted, save for a few cars.

Gwendolyn walked into Cute Pets and was introduced to the HR manager by the receptionist.

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She was a middle-aged woman, wearing formal office attire and black-rimmed glasses. Gwendolyn

genuinely did not expect a pet store to do so well. She began to be intrigued and inquired about the


Veterinarians were the highest-paid employees here, which she naturally couldn't be since she lacked

the necessary qualifications.

Regardless, the HR manager seemed to take a fancy to her. “Gwendolyn, our company conducts itself

professionally. Take a look at our sterile environment. Moreover, we have several openings available.

You may apply for whichever you wish.”

Gwendolyn had never been treated so kindly before, even given the option to choose her job. “Ms.

Miller, I would like to apply for the highest paying position available,” she said sweetly, having decided

on a job with a high salary.

Kerry Miller smiled brightly and quickly brought her through the induction procedures. However,

Gwendolyn still had no idea what her position was after completing everything.

“Gwendolyn, please remember to arrive by ten in the morning tomorrow. Don't be late.”

Gwendolyn was slightly dumbfounded. All she had done was show up for the interview, and she had

gotten the job. It was all over in a blink of an eye!

“Ms. Miller, we discussed how I'd be paid fifteen thousand per month. So what exactly is my position

going to be?” She had only mentioned that she wanted to apply for the position with the highest pay,

and they immediately hired her on the spot without giving her a chance to clarify. Hence, she had to do

so before she left.

“A breeder,” Kerry answered, grinning.

Gwendolyn had never heard of such a position, but when she thought about the fifteen thousand

monthly wages, she decided to go with it anyway.

After leaving Cute Pets, she began researching on her phone. As she continued to search on Google,

her brows furrowed. A breeder was a person who raised and bred young animals. The job wasn't the

most refined, which explained the high pay.

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She sighed and exited the page, no longer wanting to read further. “Gwendolyn Ashton, it's fifteen

thousand! Think of the four to five jobs you had to work a day to make fifteen thousand a month. You

now have weekends off and only have to work seven hours per day. There will be plenty of time for you

to spend with your children,” she muttered to herself. In the end, she decided to stick with it.

Gwendolyn did not immediately return home. Instead, she went grocery shopping and drove to Star

Mansion, wanting to check on Kevin and Lucas after last night's incident.

She sincerely hoped the two were doing well. Otherwise, Patrick would definitely seek remuneration

from her. Patrick was filthy rich while she was poor, yet he always seemed to find ways to make her


After parking the car, she got out of the vehicle and went to the trunk to get the groceries.

Then, she entered the mansion's door and headed to the kitchen.

Seeing Gwendolyn from upstairs, Felicia was astounded. She hurriedly ran down the staircase. “What

are you doing here, Gwendolyn?”

This was Patrick's home, and according to Alice, the man preferred silence. Hence, she wondered

what this woman was doing here.