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Revenge After Death

Chapter 372
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"He will be bailed," Steven asserted confidently that Howard would find a way to get out of detention.

Before Eason could respond, Steven ended the call abruptly. I glanced at him, feeling a twinge of worry. Even though I knew Stephany was innocent, if Howard and Peter were prepared to falsely accuse her... "Don't worry," Steven reassured me, reaching out to ruffle my hair, easing my worries.

Honestly, I was torn and confused, uncertain about what to make of my reliance on Steven.

"The police will call you in for questioning, but I've found evidence to clear your name." Steven gavea reassuring look, urgingto take it easy, framing it as cooperating with the police investigation. "Stephany Larson... she didn't commit those crimes." I lowered my head silently, then asked, "If Stephany Larson was an innocent person... is it fair that she ended up like this?" In the end, Stephany was still dead. After being manipulated and schemed against, she still met her demise. And I, was just a parasite inhabiting her body.

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"This world was never fair." Steven then fell silent, wrapping his arms around me.

I understood what he meant. Sthings were beyond our control. But for sreasons... I couldn't shake off the guilt I felt.

Was it all just a coincidence that Stephany was manipulated and met her fate, only forto reincarnate into her body? That afternoon, Eason and his team arrived to takeaway for questioning; it was all official business.

Aunty Lois handed over what she claimed to be evidence to the police: a photo taken oftalking to the second victim of the murder case.

I couldn't shake the feeling that all of this was planned, not just a coincidence.

"I wasn't part of it. I was deceived too; I didn't know anything." Unless there was solid proof that I was guilty, I wouldn't confess to anything. SEARCH thE (Find) website on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.

Howard mentioned Stephany was a good person. If so, was a person destined to be deceived, misunderstood, and falsely accused? I wanted to help myself as well as Stephany this time.

"Officer Grant, there are a few kids outside, claiming to be Stephany's brothers," an officer suddenly reported. I looked up at Eason in puzzlement.

Those kids... They must have been sent by Sean, here to testify for Stephany.

"Stephy didn't hurt us. Jean was sick, and Stephy wanted to help us raise money, so she contacted a local charity. But they tricked Stephy." "They said they wanted to adopt Danny because he's the smartest kid among us, and in return, the organization would pay for Jean's medical bills. But after they took Danny away, they didn't give us the money as promised." "Stephy is a good person. She's been taking care of us and protecting us." Seeing these kids willing to testify for Stephany, I beceven more convinced of her kindness.

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"Stephy didn't completely trust them either. So when she took Danny to meet the adoptive parents, she had us keep an eye out and secretly recorded everything with Cyrus's phone. But Cyrus was arrested and is in juvie now," the leader of the kids provided useful evidence.

Eason glanced at me, signaling for Phil to go find Cyrus, the teenager who had tried to poison Yasmin with paraquat, in juvie.

With these kids testifying and the evidence Stephany had left behind, it was enough to prove my innocence and confirm Howard's guilt.

Everything went smoothly. I was successfully cleared of all charges, not only without any wrongdoing but also as an unequivocally good person. As I stepped out of the police station, I felt lost.

Everything had gone smoothly, All Il perhaps too smoothly. All my worries had somehow been resolved without a hitch, yet why did I still feel unsettled?

Although it appeared that Stephany had recorded videos and left evidence to protect here!füt felt like someone had planned out everything in advance, perhaps for this very moment. "Stephie?" Steven was already waiting foroutside. He approached, holding a black umbrella in one hand, and wrappedin his embrace with the other.