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No.1 Supreme Warrior by Moneto

Chapter 4082
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Jack frantically swallowed up all that energy into his body like a hungry beast as he reconstructed his body.

When he opened his eyes again, his body was as good as new. Every single cell and muscle in his body had been


He suddenly wanted to shout out loud. It was as if he had limitless energy within his body.

At that moment, he really wanted to fight a great battle with someone. He wanted the battle to last for days on end

until he was completely exhausted!

He leaped out of the Chaos Water and returned to shore. Jack tossed out a few punches with some interest, and

every punch summoned up an energy wave!

"I've finally reached perfection!" Jack shouted excitedly.

He had been using Soul Sky for quite a while and had reached the second stage some time ago. Yet, ever since he

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made that breakthrough, he had been stuck at the second stage the whole time due to a lack of resources. With

Chaos Water reconstructing his body and him absorbing so much energy, he finally reached the third stage, which

was mastery.

He started to form seals with his hands, and the seals started to fuse in the air. A gray chain was birthed from those


The chain was the thickness of an infant's arms and was filled with dark red runes. A faint gray mist surrounded the

chain. Looking at the chain, it looked like something a grim reaper would use. The chain had its own name, it was

called the Soul Chain.

Jack grabbed the chain and whipped it forward. There was a smack, and ripples were suddenly in the air. If he used

his senses to feel it, he would be able to feel an incredibly destructive soul energy left behind.

The soul energy was incredibly potent and was even able to rot air.

Jack was incredibly excited as he pulled back his hand and the Soul Chain turned to pure energy, disappearing from

the place. He had only managed to enter the first training ground after giving it his full efforts.

At that moment, it was evident that all his hard work had been worth it!

Meanwhile, Lourain was sitting down in the empty space, quietly waiting for the stone door to open. He had only

been in the seventh training ground for two days before he was kicked out. Even if it was only two days, he had

gained quite a lot.

Before this, he had only been able to be considered an above-average warrior.

After the past two days of training, he was already firmly at that level. The seventh ground was already so fruitful,

let alone the first one. Lourain had already waited for seven days.

It was already the ninth day since Jack entered the first training ground. The first and seventh training grounds

were already massively different from each other. On top of that, Jack had earned the privilege of seven more days

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of training than he had. The gap between them would only be even wider.

This time, Jack would definitely be much stronger after he walked out.

Thinking about that, Lourain could not help but sigh. The world had always been one where the strong ruled over

the weak.

The strong got better resources, and they would only go higher and higher, climbing even taller mountains. The

weak were only able to fight for the worst of the resources, struggling to move forward.

Just as he was thinking about all of that, he suddenly heard a cool voice, "Hey man, you were here waiting when I

entered, and you still haven't left yet? How many days has it been?"

An armored man was asking Lourain with a curious tone.

After counting for a bit, he said, "It's been four days! You should have at least been waiting for four days. On top of

that, you came from the seventh training ground, so you had to have spent at least two days inside. Your fellow

disciple must have been inside for at least six days!"

"I think you should go ask around. Your fellow disciple must have missed you and gone on ahead. If it's been six

days, then even those in the third training ground would already be out."