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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 287
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Jonathan and Beatrix chatted for a while. Although Beatrix gave off an aloof impression, she was an interesting person. She would continue the conversation every time Jonathan brought up a new topic instead of acting high and mighty.

Soon, after the masters paid their respect to the Divine Emperor, it was Jonathan's and the other second- generation inner disciples’ turn to meet the Divine Emperor.

The masters were chatting happily among themselves as they exited Olympus.

The disciples bowed before the masters immediately.

“Greetings, masters!” Jonathan and Beatrix followed. At the same time, Jonathan heard someone whispering among them.

“Look! The young man dressed in the white robe is Edward Weiss, who has just been promoted to master.” Jonathan glanced toward the masters and spotted Edward instantly.

The latter was the youngest-looking person out of all the masters. He looked like he was in his twenties.

However, as much as he was older than he looked, he was still the youngest among the rest of the masters. Edward's cold and handsome face gave him a solemn and dignified aura.

Edward became famous at a young age because he was the leader of Strikezone Martial Arts. Besides, he attained great wealth and exceptional martial arts skills. Even the country was impressed by him.

As a man of power, there was something very stately about him.

Now that he had become one of the masters in Divine Realm, his prestige increased.

Not to mention that Oswald's power was boosted with the addition of Edward to his faction.

Glancing at Edward, Jonathan felt his heart skip a beat.

Odd enough, Edward had a feeling that someone was observing him. He immediately turned and looked in Jonathan's direction.

Jonathan avoided Edward's gaze instinctively.

However, he regretted it the next second.

F*ck! Why am | acting like a coward? ‘When Jonathan raised his head again, the masters, including Edward, had already left.

Jonathan's heart sank.

How can | ever deal with someone as powerful as Edward? Perhaps he doesn't hold a grudge against me. But what if he does? Jonathan did not like the feeling that his fate was not under his control.

“You don't have to be afraid of Edward. With Master and | around, he won't dare to do anything rash.” Jonathan was touched. “Thank you, Beatrix!"

To that, Beatrix nodded in response and said nothing.

A ceremony was held for Edward's promotion at Divine Realm in the afternoon.

All masters and first and second-generation inner disciples, as well as Gold disciples, were allowed to attend the ceremony.

Besides, the elders from the enforcers’ department, the alchemy department, and The Inquisition came.

Champagne, wine, and other delicacies were already served in Grand Hall upon arrival, which made the ceremony seem more like a banquet.

The disciples waited below respectfully as the masters and elders took their seats.

Jonathan observed them quietly. Each of the elders was an individual of merit.

The power of Divine Realm is truly scary! Furthermore, he knew that some of the exceptional disciples did not attend the ceremony because they

were out traveling, and some of the elders were absent because they were in solitary training.

Meanwhile, Edward emitted a cold and intimidating aura as he stood on the stage calmly. It was as if he was sending off the message that he would not bow to anyone easily.

Oswald smiled as he faced the crowd. “Today is a day worth celebrating in Divine Realm because a new master has arisen from our inner disciples. It is none other than Edward Weiss. Let's welcome him!” Everyone applauded.

Edward thanked the crowd emotionlessly.

Oswald turned back to Edward and continued, “Edward, on behalf of the masters, | award you this Golden Token! This is the symbol of you and the inner disciples. From now onwards, every inner disciple in Divine Realm will have to address you as 'master.’ If anyone disobeys, you have the right to send them to The Inquisition.” After Oswald finished his speech, he handed Edward the symbolic Golden Token.

Edward received the Golden Token with both hands.

“Thank you, Oswald!" Smilingly, Oswald continued, “I have discussed with the elders, and we decided to let Edward be in charge of the discipline in Divine Realm. Is everyone in favor of this arrangement?” The question was intended for the first-generation inner disciples.

However, a master named Scott Bennett scoffed, “Discipline? Have | heard wrongly? Divine Realm is not a military camp nor a primary school. Do you want us to follow the rules like we're back in school, Oswald?” The way Scott put it was hilarious. Some of the inner disciples had to stifle a laugh.

However, Oswald replied in a serious tone, “The rules in Divine Realm are too loose. It is undeniable that we have done well without setting up rules in the past, but we have to reconfigure as time changes! From today onward, Edward will abide by the eight rules of Divine Realm

seriously and set up new rules for the disciples.” Since Gideon was on the same side as Oswald, he immediately chimed in, “I agree with Oswald's decision.” Glancing at Richard, Oswald asked, “What do you think, Richard?” “Since you have decided, why bother asking me?” Richard retorted indifferently.

Oswald smirked. “All right then. This is settled.” Then he said, “Edward, you can discuss with the administration department and the logistics department to build your department. You can also bring in any talents you require.

Now, you have the power to take in six second-generation inner disciples as well.” “Yes, Oswald!” Edward responded respectfully.

The banquet started officially after the arrangement was settled.

As Richard stormed out of Grand Hall with a furious expression on his face, Jonathan and Beatrix immediately

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followed him out.

Jonathan knew that Richard was upset because it was evident that Oswald was using Edward to balance the power among the factions. He knew that Edward's power and influence were growing, and it would be a problem for him to be in charge of discipline.

It was hard to pinpoint a standard for discipline. If Edward wanted to, he could easily pin fault on anyone.

Jonathan and Beatrix followed Richard back to Chard Hall.

The moment Richard sat down, he slammed his fist on the table, sending pieces of it flying across the hall.

It was rare to see Richard lose his cool because he was always gentle and calm.

“Master, please calm down!” Jonathan and Beatrix advised.

Richard was fuming with anger, but he calmed down quickly after a while. “When Lance and the others were around, it was always peaceful. Everyone was focused on practicing Destino arts. There was no such scheming!”

Richard said coldly.

After pausing for a while, he continued, “Even though Lance, Tristan, and Magnus weren't on good terms with each other, they didn't bother to stir up factional because they were more focused on the greater good. However, all that Oswald has done is despicable and dirty. He has caused chaos in Divine Realm, and now he wants Edward to be in charge of discipline? What does he take Divine Realm for?” Jonathan felt discouraged because he knew that he could not compete with Edward.

Even if Edward couldn't mess with Richard, he was in charge of discipline and could cause trouble for Jonathan in Divine Realm.

“Master, although Edward is in charge of discipline, he won't dare to meddle with our business, will he?” “Edward is afraid of nothing!” Richard said solemnly, “I can feel his arrogance ever since he became famous at a young age. | can't believe that Oswald is stupid enough to

help Edward. | bet that Edward will ignore Oswald once he gets what he wants in the future.” “If that's the case, why are you angry, Master? Isn't it better to let Oswald reap what he sowed?” Beatrix asked.

Richard sighed. “Chaos!” Jonathan and Beatrix exchanged glances. It took them a while to understand the reason Richard was angry.

Richard was angry and heartbroken that Oswald caused chaos in Divine Realm.

The two disciples didn't know what to say.

“Master...” Jonathan began carefully, “Does this mean we don't have to give Edward the Longevity Pill?” He really didn't want to hand over the pill to Edward.

Richard looked at Jonathan and said, “I'm most worried about you, Jonathan. You're carefree and unrestrained by rules. Given that you and Edward had grudges in the past,

it will be terrible to think of the consequences if he finds your weakness. Therefore, you must still give him the Longevity Pill since it is precious to him. Oswald is petty. He won't be able to bring himself to give Edward the Heaven Pill. You should go today!” “Yes, Master.” Although Jonathan was reluctant, he agreed to Richard's plan.

This is humiliating! “I'l accompany Jonathan, Master,” Beatrix said.

“No!” Richard replied, “Edward will not accept it if you go together. Now that he's in charge of discipline, he will not allow himself to be gotten hold of by others.” “All right then,” Beatrix replied.

Edward had already set up his place in Divine Realm, which was named Dragon Hall.

When the night came, Beatrix and Jonathan arrived outside Dragon Hall.

The indoors of Dragon Hall were illuminated brightly.

Security guards were patrolling the door.

A beautiful yard could be seen from outside.

“I'l wait for you outside, Jonathan,” Beatrix said to him gently.

Beatrix was rarely gentle to people except for Jonathan because she cared for him. Besides, she knew that what Jonathan was going to do was hard for him because of his unyielding character.

Jonathan nodded. Gritting his teeth, he went over to the two security guards and said, “Please inform Master Edward of this. Tell him that Jonathan from Chard Hall is here to see him!” Not daring to offend Jonathan, the security guards replied, “Okay, please wait for a moment!”

Beatrix had no idea what Jonathan went through in Dragon Hall last night.

Even later in the future, no one would ever know what happened to Protector King in Dragon Hall, but what happened that night changed him entirely.

It was the night that made him determined to be stronger by any means! Beatrix didn't wait for long outside Dragon Hall.

After ten minutes, Jonathan walked out.

Shocked to see Jonathan's pale face, Beatrix asked, “Are you okay, Jonathan?” Content belongs to NévelDrama.Org ‘When Jonathan raised his head to look at Beatrix, she realized that his eyes were bloodshot. Suddenly, he spewed a mouthful of blood on the floor.

“Jonathan!” Beatrix exclaimed. Anger flashed across her eyes as realization dawned on her. “How dare Edward do this! I'l talk to him!” As Beatrix stepped forward to seek justice for Jonathan, he

grabbed her arm abruptly and pleaded, “No, Beatrix. I'm begging you.” Beatrix had never seen Jonathan in such a fragile state.

She felt extremely sorry for him.

“I'm fine! | really am,” Jonathan said as he walked away dispiritedly.

“Jonathan!” Beatrix hurried over and followed him.

“I need some time alone, Beatrix. Is that okay?” Jonathan asked as he turned around.

Beatrix paused in her tracks and watched as Jonathan left.

Soon, Jonathan was out of Divine Realm.

Sprinting along the road on Mount Frallein, he only had one thing on his mind at that moment.

I'll make sure you get a taste of your own medicine for humiliating me today, Edward Weiss! Jonathan sped past the trees on Mount Frallein.

At that moment, even the fastest sports car could not reach

half of Jonathan's speed.

Ten minutes later, Jonathan arrived at Lostaria and headed for a bar with heavy metal music playing in the background.

After ordering ten shots of vodka, he chugged them down all at once.

Once he finished the vodka, he felt dizzy immediately.

Although he had the ability to suppress the alcohol rush, he chose not to. After all, he went there to get himself drunk.

“Buy me a drink, mister,” an Anglandurn woman dressed in revealing clothes said to Jonathan with a hint of seduction.

The woman wasn't good-looking, but she had a good figure.

Seeing that Jonathan was handsome, and since she was curious about a foreigner, she made a move on him.

Jonathan took a glance at the woman and replied in Ustranasian, “No. You're too ugly.” The woman's expression became grim instantly.

“How dare you! You Chanaean scum!” The Anglandurn

woman was furious.

Five minutes later, a group of Smealanders stormed into the bar.

Drunk, Jonathan ignored them.

Pointing at Jonathan, the Anglandurn woman said, “It's him! That Chanaean scum humiliated me.” The leader of the Smealander thugs was a man called Jason. He was tall and burly. Frowning at Jonathan, Jason grabbed his collar and said, “Apologize to my sister, Chanaean scum!” Frowning, Jonathan yelled, “Get your dirty hands off me!” Jason's expression became menacing as he yelled, “How dare you speak to me with that tone, you rascal!” Just as Jason raised his fist to punch Jonathan, Jonathan grabbed his fist without even looking. With a snap, Jonathan broke Jason's arm, causing the latter to let out an agonized scream.

The remaining Smealanders shuddered in horror as

Jonathan smashed a wine glass to dust with his bare hands.

Staring at the Smealanders with his bloodshot eyes, Jonathan yelled, “Come on! Didn't you want to teach me a lesson? Do it then!” After exchanging glances warily among themselves, the remaining Smealanders gritted their teeth and started fighting Jonathan.

However, Jonathan was much faster than them, and he needed to let loose the anger and resentment he had bottled up.

In less than a few minutes, Jonathan defeated all the Smealanders. As if it wasn't enough, he hollered and kicked the men lying on the ground. “Come on! Teach me a lesson!” The Smealanders were beaten up so badly that most of them were either spitting blood or going into shock.

Jonathan's ruthlessness was evident from the way he didn't

allow himself to be beaten up by thugs despite having gone through a huge setback.

The only thing he would do is beat others up.

After that, Jonathan exited the bar and went to a condominium hotel.

However, the receptionist refused to let Jonathan in because he despised drunkards, especially those from Chanaea.

Rather than arguing with the receptionist, Jonathan brought his fist down and shattered the reception table into pieces.

Staring at the receptionist with his bloodshot eyes, he asked, “Can | have a room now?” The receptionist, who was trembling in fear, hurriedly replied, “Of course, of course!” By the time Jonathan got a room at the hotel, it was already eleven o'clock at night.

He slumped onto the bed and fell asleep right away.

However, he didn't get much sleep before the Anglandurn police came over because the receptionist made a police


When the police broke into the room to arrest Jonathan, he sat up and fought back immediately.

Soon enough, a few police officers were injured by Jonathan. “I am the inner disciple of Divine Realm! If you disturb me again, I'l kill all of you!” he yelled.

Nevertheless, Jonathan's words were intimidating enough.

At the thought that Jonathan didn't commit a serious crime, the police held it in and left the room.

Jonathan fell asleep until the sun was up the next day.

‘When he woke up the next morning, he frowned at the stench of alcohol and sweat on his body.

The sun was shining brightly in Horington.

It was late March in Horington, and the weather had reached more than thirty degrees.

It was a season for beautiful ladies to put on their summer outfits and for the beach to be packed with tourists.

At that moment, Jonathan appeared unshaven with bloodshot eyes at the international airport in Horington.

It was five o'clock in the evening, and the sun had turned red.

Business at Golden Years was booming, but it was still early, and the bar had just opened. The waiters and staff were preparing nervously for the bar's operation.

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Seated at one of the tables, Jennifer watched as Winnie did her homework.

At that moment, a man entered the bar.

A waiter was about to serve the man when Winnie saw him.

“Jonathan!” Winnie exclaimed.

Shocked, Jennifer looked at the man and realized it was indeed Jonathan.

Jennifer was wearing a blue dress that complemented her elegance, which made her look mature and sexy at the same time.

Jennifer was shocked to see Jonathan in this state because

he had always been optimistic and fearless no matter what happened.

“What happened, Jonathan?” Jennifer hurried over to him and asked.

Gazing at Jennifer intently, Jonathan replied in a hoarse voice, “Nothing much. I'm just here to see you as | promised.” Seeing that Jonathan was reluctant to explain, Jennifer stopped asking any further. “You must be hungry. I'll cook ‘something for you. Come with me,” she said.

Jonathan did not decline her offer.

Then, he followed her to the room where she was temporarily staying. The horror-themed bar was big enough to accommodate a beautiful bedroom with good lighting for Jennifer.

After bringing Jonathan to her bedroom, Jennifer asked Winnie to accompany Jonathan before going to the kitchen to cook for him.

The interior of the bedroom was decorated in a feminine style. A faint fragrance filled the room.

Jonathan sat limply on the couch. He felt like a wandering soul who was afraid to linger around for too long. The next moment, like an injured lone wolf, he wanted to hide his injuries to himself so that no one else would know about them.

Winnie looked like Snow White in the white dress she was wearing. Blinking her large innocent eyes, she asked in her adorable voice, “Who made you sad, Jonathan? Cheer up, okay?” Jonathan looked at Winnie and smiled faintly. “Okay!” Winnie smiled happily. It was easy to satisfy a child.

“Can you play with me, Jonathan?” Winnie asked again.

Jonathan bent over to look at Winnie. “I'm a little tired, Winnie. Can | play with you later?” he whispered gently.

Winnie was a sensible kid. She replied, “Okay, Jonathan.

Rest well. | shall not disturb you.”

After Jonathan nodded in acknowledgment, Winnie went out and continued doing her homework.

Then, Jonathan closed his eyes and allowed his body to relax completely on the couch.

Not long after, Jennifer brought a bowl of pasta into the room.

“Eat it while it's still hot,” Jennifer said to Jonathan, who was sleeping.

After Jonathan woke up and sat up, Jennifer placed the plate of pasta on the table and pulled out a chair for him.

As soon as Jonathan sat by the table, he picked up the fork and started eating the food.

The pasta was delicious, and so were the two sunny-side- up eggs that Jennifer made.

Jonathan devoured the food while noting that Jennifer's cooking skills were much better than Amber's.

As Jennifer stared at Jonathan in silence, she couldn't help thinking about his drastic changes.

What exactly happened to him? Jennifer couldn't fathom.

Jonathan finished the pasta in a few minutes.

“Are you full?” Jennifer asked.

Jonathan nodded.

Jennifer inhaled deeply before saying, “Whatever happens, Jonathan, you still have us as your friends.” Jonathan gazed back at her and smiled tiredly. “I know.

That's why I'm here.” Jennifer felt a warm feeling gushing through her veins.

“Yasmin and Jessy will be thrilled to know that you're back.

Shall I inform them?” “No, it's fine. I'd like to have some time alone. Let's talk about this another day,” Jonathan hurriedly said.

Sensing that Jonathan was depressed, Jennifer replied, “All right. You can sleep here tonight. Winnie and | will go home,” she said as she stood up and took the plate.

Jennifer bought a newly renovated house nearby.

Despite the drastic changes to her wealth and status, she always remembered that it was thanks to Jonathan.

Jonathan nodded as Jennifer walked out of the room.

“Okay.” Too tired to shower, Jonathan lay on the bed and fell asleep.

At nine o'clock at night, Jennifer brought Winnie to her parents’ home. After serious consideration, she decided to stay and look after Jonathan. Hence, she had to send Winnie back because she couldn't take care of both of them at the same time.

After that, Jennifer went back to Golden Years again...