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Fleeing the Gilded Cage: Don't Want to be the Billionaire's Wife

Chapter 137
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Chapter 137: The Woman Who Said One Thing but Meant Another
Martina seemed to be dec numbing herself, unable to stay by Benjamin’s side so purely anymore. Perhaps it was because of her
past experiences that truly frightened her.
“If one day his feelings for you fade away, you’ll still be a golden–caged canary. Do you really want that day to come?” she talked
to herself.
After an unknown amount of time, Martina finally walked out of the room with a calm demeanor.
At this moment, Martina saw Benjamin had already taken off his upper clothes, and it was wrapped in layers and layers of gauze,
with faint traces of blood seeping through.
Benjamin looked at his wound in the mirror, as if he wanted to change the gauze again. However, because the wound was on his
back, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t quite reach it.
Martina had to step forward and took the initiative to help Benjamin sit down, asking, “Why don’t you let me do it instead?”
She convinced herself in her heart that no matter what, Benjamin was injured because of her, and she couldn’t remain
indifferent. She had to take full responsibility.
In reality, Benjamin had the option to seek help from Simon, who would have been more proficient in this matter. However, he
deliberately didn’t mention it because he wanted to get closer to Martina.
He whined, “You said you didn’t want to take care of me.”
Clearly, Martina sensed a hint of frustration and grievance in his tone, and at this moment, she was truly at a loss for words.
Confronted this version of Benjamin, there was no one capable of preventing her from helping him.
Martina took the cotton ball and said, “When did I ever say I wouldn’t take care of you?
Just lie down there and don’t move.”
Perhaps because of Martina’s resolute attitude, Benjamin eventually chose to obey. Yet, the evident furrowed brow revealed his

prevailing mood, reflecting the extent of his frustration and discontent..

He obediently lay on the bed, even if he was sulking, he was still under Martina’s influence. Perhaps this was the true change in
For Martina, Benjamin could endure anything. After all, it was a treatment he had never experienced before.
Martina carefully removed the bandages from Benjamin’s body, followed by applying the medicine. The whole process seemed
effortless, as if she had done it many times before.
Her delicate movements were incredibly gentle, almost causing Benjamin to feel minimal pain.
Seemingly still worried, she would occasionally ask, “How is it, does it hurt?”
Normally, even if Benjamin’s arm were broken, he wouldn’t utter a word of pain. But the current situation was different, so he
fabricated, “It hurts.”
With just that short sentence, Martina completely melted. After all, Benjamin had become like this because of her, and morally
and logically, she had to take responsibility for it.
Martina took a deep breath. “I’m truly sorry. If it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t have to endure such trouble.”
Benjamin’s fingertips curled slightly, and he actually wanted to say that, for him, it wasn’t trouble at all. He was willingly enduring
it. However, the current Martina couldn’t listen to such words, and he couldn’t bring himself to say them.
Martina could only reassure him tirelessly, “Just bear with it for now, and it will be better once the bandages are changed.”
Benjamin nodded quietly, and then surprisingly fell silent, with his breath fluctuating along with Martina’s movements.
After changing the bandages, Benjamin appeared relatively calm, but Martina seemed to have exhausted all her strength and
couldn’t move for a while.
Martina tried calling Benjamin’s name twice, but there was no response from him. Her heart couldn’t help but quicken, and it
seemed like she had genuinely been scared. “Benjamin, Benjamin, are you okay? Can you hear me?”
There was still no response. Benjamin seemed to have fallen into a deep slumber. Martina started to ponder about her actions
just now and couldn’t come to a conclusion for quite some time. Despite being careful, a wounded person could still be affected.

Could Benjamin have fainted from the pain? Such a large wound, if not properly treated, could lead to further troubles and
significantly affect the healing process.

With this thought, Martina instantly panicked and hurriedly moved to the other side of the bed to check Benjamin’s current
As expected, she saw Benjamin’s eyes tightly shut, seemingly in great discomfort. Even in his unconscious state, his brows were
furrowed tightly.
At this moment, Martina’s heart ached again. Regardless of the situation, this matter was connected to her.
If it weren’t for her words, how could Benjamin possibly endure all this? Were the words she said earlier a bit too heartless
towards Benjamin?
Nevertheless, Benjamin didn’t actually get angry with her. Martina suddenly realized that she might be the one lacking
Her heart tightened, and she gently tapped Benjamin’s cheek. “Benjamin, wake up, don’t scare me...”
Martina attempted to call out several more times, but there was no response. She was frightened, and instinctively, she took out
her phone, intending to call Simon.
Martina acted swiftly, and within seconds, she had dialed Simon’s number. Simon was available 24/7, always ready to assist.
Simon immediately answered the call, proving himself to be the top assistant by Benjamin’s side. “Miss Martinez, is there
something you need to arrange? Just let me know if there’s anything, and I’ll take care of it.”
Martina’s voice was trembling, “I don’t know what happened, but Benjamin suddenly passed out, and no matter how much I
called, he didn’t show any signs of waking up. Please come over quickly. I’m calling the 911 right now. We need to take him to
the hospi –
Before Martina could finish her sentence, Benjamin suddenly opened his eyes, which shone like a brilliant starry sky, and he
looked at Martina with a half–smile.
His tone carried a subtle note of self–satisfaction as he remarked, “You claim not to care, but you truly are someone who enjoys
saying one thing and meaning another.”
He then firmly sealed Martina’s lips by a tender and gentle kiss.
Eyes shaking violently, Martina couldn’t speak because of the sudden kiss. She never expected Benjamin to be so cunning!