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CEO's Passion: Love by Mistake

Chapter 1719
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Chapter 1719 Dark Manipulations

Upon learning of the failed plan and Connor's accident, he felt regret and worry.

Despite his cunning nature, he did have affection for Connor. After all, Connor had called

him “Uncle Stanley” for several years, and he had witnessed Connor's growth.

He was cold-hearted, but not to the extent of truly wishing Connor dead. Therefore, upon

hearing about Connor's accident, he hurriedly rushed to the hospital to check on his


Natalie bit her lip and remained silent.

Of course, she knew that Stanley was not lying and that he was being sincere in

everything he said.

But precisely because of that, she felt even more uneasy in her heart.

That accident could have been avoided. It didn't have to happen.

But somehow, Stanley let it happen.

Fortunately, Connor was lucky and didn't suffer any major injuries. But if luck hadn't been

on his side, she could have truly lost a child.

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So, she was unable to get over that matter.

“Sorry.” Stanley acknowledged that Natalie was deeply upset, and he felt uneasy and

burdened. Guilt and self-blame welled up within him.

Natalie took a deep breath. “It was you who erased Connor's memories after he was taken

away, right?”

She didn't forgive his apology, nor did she have the right to.

After all, Connor was the victim, and it was up to him to forgive before she could consider


“Yes.” Stanley nodded. “After you fell asleep, I hypnotized Connor and erased his

memories of being taken away and the car accident. Apart from wanting to hide my

involvement, I also didn't want him to develop any lingering psychological trauma from

the accident.”

“Not wanting Connor to suffer psychological trauma?” Natalie scoffed. “Should I thank you

for that?”

Stanley lowered his gaze, remaining silent.

He couldn't respond to that statement, nor could he accept it.

Connor could have been fine without experiencing that car accident.

It was his actions that led to Connor being taken away, which resulted in the car accident.

If it weren't for Connor's incredible luck, he could have died at the scene of the accident

just like the driver.

He almost killed a child, the child who had called him “Uncle Stanley” for five years.

He was the one who let Connor down.

He couldn't accept, nor did he deserve those words of gratitude.

Natalie looked at Stanley's silent demeanor, lifted her head slightly, and took a breath.

“Let's not talk about this matter for now. It has been a long time, and I only brought it up

because I wanted to know one answer. Now that I know the answer, there's no need to

continue discussing it. Let's talk about something else. The fire at the textile mill that

Joyce and I were at, was it you who ordered it to be burned down?”

Stanley nodded. “It's me,” he admitted directly.

“What about your car accident?” Natalie asked, looking at him with heartache. “Did you

arrange that as well?”

“Yes.” Stanley nodded again as he replied.

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Natalie felt even more uncomfortable, her voice trembling as she asked, “Why?” She truly

couldn't understand.

“You kidnapped Connor to make me leave J City, but then why did you burn down my

factory and stage your own car accident? Stanley, what on earth are you thinking?”

Natalie tightly clenched her fists and asked loudly.

Stanley lifted his gaze to look at her. “Of course, it's still for you.”

Natalie's pupils contracted. “It's still... for me?”

“Yes,” Stanley responded. “Burning down your factory was my way of wanting you to rely

on me. I thought that by destroying the thing you valued the most and leaving you in a

desperate and uncertain state, I could appear before you and help you overcome the

difficulties. In return, you would owe me, and perhaps that would make you stay with me.

But I didn't expect Shane to suddenly show up and help you.”

Natalie laughed mockingly. “Just because of that, you wanted to burn down my factory.

Stanley, don't you think you're despicable?”

Isn't pursuing a relationship with someone supposed to be done through normal means,

without resorting to such vile tactics? There's no one quite like him.

She could only say that she was fortunate she never loved him. Otherwise, even being

with someone like him would drive her insane.