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Bride Behind The Mask (Frederick and Marguerite)

Chapter 17
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Chapter 17

Yuna looked like she’d taken a punch, her eyes brimming with tears, ready to spill over at any second.

“Freddie, have you changed your mind? You don’t want to marry me anymore? Are you just looking for

an excuse to ditch me? It’s okay, I can take whatever comes. I’ve tried so hard to find someone who

can bring me happiness, and I just… I guess I’m just unlucky”

Hearing this, Frederick felt a pang of pain. “You got it all wrong. It takes three months to process a

divorce. Once that’s over, I’ll marry you right away. I’ve been looking for you for over a decade, it has to

be you who becomes my wife.”

Yuna thought, “he had been looking for Marguerite, not me!”

This made Yuna fume. What’s so great about Marguerite? What made a powerful and influential man

like Frederick chase after her for so long? But then she thought, “what does it matter?” As long as she

could replace Marguerite, and as long as she had that sapphire necklace, Marguerite wouldn’t stand a

chance against herl

With this in mind, Yuna nodded obediently, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have been so impatient, it’s just that I

love you so much. Frederick, I’ll wait for you, I’ll wait for you to marry me after your divorce.”

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Afraid that Frederick might change his mind, she brought up the subject of marriage again.

Frederick’s lips pressed tightly. He did plan to get married. But before that, he needed to figure

something out! “Yuna, did you wear perfume the night we were together?”

Yuna was taken aback, did Marguerite wear perfume that night? She knew nothing about the details

between Marguerite and Frederick.But afraid of giving herself away, she had no choice but to bluff, “I

think I did.”

“Which one?”

Frederick’s intense gaze made Yuna feel uneasy. But then she remembered, Marguerite would never

afford a perfume. So, what Frederick smelled that night, could it be Marguerite’s natural scent?

With this thought, Yuna confidently corrected herself, “Freddie, I was wrong. I was in a rush that night

and didn’t wear any perfume. If you smelled something, it must have been my natural scent.”

It wasn’t her natural scent! How could the perfume mixed by Marguerite smell exactly like Yuna? Where

did things go wrong?

Unable to find the answer, Frederick decided to let it go for now.

“Forget it, we’ll talk about it later.” Frederick looked at Yuna, and asked, “I heard from Chuck that your

family’s casino lost a lot of money?”

Even before she came to the company, her mother had told her to borrow money from Frederick. They

owed 10 million, and only Frederick could save them now. Upon hearing this, she immediately nodded,

putting on a pitiful act, “Freddie, can you lend me some money? Our family owes 10 million and we’ve

already sold all our possessions. We wanted to mortgage our house to the creditors, but we ran into a

demolition, and the compensation of the stingy demolition company is not enough.”

Was Frederick stingy?

Yuna’s family’s casino was an illegal construction in the first place, and technically, no compensation

was required for its demolition. But out of humanitarian considerations, he still paid millions in

compensation, not expecting the Lockwood family’s demands to be so outrageous.

Yuna’s words made Frederick even more upset, but he remembered that she once saved his life, a

favor he could never forget. “I’ll take care of the Lockwood family’s debts. However, the casino must be


“But if the casino is demolished, where will we live?”

Frederick looked at her, “I’ll provide a home for you. Pack your things and move in tomorrow.”

With that, he tore off a note, wrote down an address, and handed it to Yuna gently.

Yuna looked at the strong handwriting on the note, her eyes shining with joy. Did she hear it right?

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Frederick actually invited her to live with him and promised to give her a home?

She was about to strike it rich! She was finally going to live the life she’d always dreamed of! How

insane would Marguerite be if she knew that Yuna had taken everything that was originally hers?

Just thinking about it made her feel good.

Yuna held the note with Frederick’s address close to her chest, nodded shyly, and acted innocent,

“Thank you, Freddie. Once you divorce and marry me, I promise to be a good wife and take care of


Having achieved her goal, she couldn’t wait to go home and share the good news with her parents.

Plus, she was going to move in with Frederick tomorrow, so she needed to prepare.

Frederick didn’t want to touch her before their wedding, but she couldn’t wait that long. With her sex

skills, she didn’t believe Frederick could resist her!

After Yuna left, Frederick lit a cigar in frustration and took a puff. Strangely enough, he didn’t seem to

like Yuna as much as he thought he would. And she was far different from the innocent girl he

remembered from fifteen years ago.

In dealing with her, Frederick felt like he was just going through the motions, devoid of any joy or


Had he changed, or had the girl in his memory changed….

Six o’clock in the afternoon.