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Becoming the Richest Man Alive

Chapter 240
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The atmosphere became a little awkward for Casper, who felt a chill run down his spine as he

considered inquiring Winston about his sexual orientation.

Could he be gay?

Casper was in some perturbation before Winston continued, “As the eldest son in the Lanes, I’ve to

follow my father around for authentications and appraisals, but cannot for the life of me grasp the gist of

it. I could only work hard in other areas, but overall, the results had been underwhelming in spite of my

best efforts. And before I knew it, my two younger brothers had both grown and started families of their

own while I remained alone.”

Winston’s words roused a bit of sympathy from Casper who was similarly saddled with such

expectations from birth to learn and excel in various aspects.

The only thing which set them apart was that one of them came away successful, whereas the other

did not.

“I suppose that your father treats you all the same,” Casper said in consolation.

“Deep down, I’m aware that my youngest brother is most favored. He’s the brightest one between us,

and also the one person best suited to lead our family into the future.”

Winston stopped his car before a traffic light and suddenly turned to Casper. “I’m older by a few years,

but could we just address each other directly?”

Casper nodded in agreement. “Of course we can.”

“Could I make a request of you, Casper?”

“Ask, and I’d be sure to do my utmost.”

“Help me persuade my little brother to come back as our family needs him. I figured that it’ll be much

more convenient since you both are active within the same school, and with the trust Alfred has in you,

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I’d like to ask you for this favor.”

Casper gave that due consideration in view of Winston’s tremendous sincerity. “I’ll do what I can. Mr.

Lane’s sentiments are hard to grasp and he won’t be easily persuaded, so I can only try to convey this

message tactfully.”

“That’s good enough. Thank you so much! Just let me know should you be in need of anything in

future,” a delighted Winston said before he left Casper with a string of numbers which he was welcome

to call at any time.

Casper stood outside the gates to Business University and exhaled while he watched Winston’s car

disappear into the distance, “Every family has its woes!”

As he was mumbling to himself, he felt a vibration in his own pocket. He fished out his phone and saw

that it was a call from Giselle.

He was gripped by a sense of foreboding as he hastened through the gates, “Damn it! Forgot all about


Awaiting him was a flurry of fists and a round of berating from Giselle. He soaked it all up without

complaint before he pacified her with a sumptuous meal prepared at her hostel.

By the time Casper left, it was almost an hour from midnight. He did not request to sleep over as he did

not want to pressure her in this respect.

It was in his opinion that things would happen in due course and he wanted to trust the process.

Casper was humming a little tune as he made his way to the dorm where he ran into Felix and the

others who had also just returned.

“Why are y’all back so late, and all covered in dirt? Been getting yourselves some action outdoors?”

Casper joked.

Felix and Colton glanced at each other. “We’ve been working today. Breaking a sweat for some dough!”

Something’s up!

Casper eyeballed Remy, who refrained from meeting his gaze and could only play along, “Yeah, it’s

tough, but not a bad deal for a surefire three hundred a day, with meals provided!”

“Three hundred a day plus meals? A job that rewarding? Is it still ongoing?” Casper said in disbelief.

“Yeah, openings will be available these few days,” Felix replied without thinking before Colton dug an

elbow into him. But it was too little, too late.

“Sweet. I guess I’ll be tagging along tomorrow then!”

Casper’s response took the trio aback. “You’re literally swimming in moolah with Tycoon generating

income in the tens of thousands every single day, and you want to work a gig with us?” said Felix.

“What about it? Isn’t three hundred money all the same? So that settles it!” Casper retorted in earnest.

Casper left no chance for any protestations by slipping out for a shower, leaving the other three to

regard one other in speechlessness.

Early next day when the first rays of dawn hit the earth, as Casper was already up and waiting for the

others to take him to work, the exasperated Felix could only lead him outside to the gate where a van

was parked. Next to it stood a portly man with cigarette in hand..

“Hurry it up. I’m not waiting around for stragglers.”

He scrutinized Casper’s group before he burst into a scornful laugh, “Had to come crawling back to me

in the end, eh, kiddo?”

Casper looked at the quietly seething Felix beside him and asked under his breath, “Now, would you

tell me what happened yesterday?”

“This son-of-a-gun told us that we were going to get three hundred a day with meals provided, but only

tossed us ninety after we’ve all busted our asses, saying that he had to deduct two hundred as it was

our first day, and another ten for the food.”

“I see.” Casper then went up and leaned into the portly man’s ear. “Would you give us a chance if we

want to take up the job today?”

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The chunker responded by fingering a row of students queuing to their side. “Register yourselves, then

get in the car!”

He was naturally happy for more to sign up as he would be compensated by the headcount.

After jotting down his own details on the notebook, Casper noticed that all the man had for

transportation was that one miserable van with which to pack in the twenty odd people alongside the

clothing and equipment already on board.

“Did y’all squeeze into this yesterday?” Casper sounded almost enraged.

“Yeah. All the way there.” Felix affirmed with a nod.

“What’s going to become of the people who tries to get in?” In Casper’s esteem, nothing good could

come of packing twenty persons into a space already too tight for six.

“Why don’t we do it this way: You give me the address, and my friends and I would make our own way

there,” Casper whispered.

The portly man’s lips curled into a smirk. “Sure, but remember that you’ll only going to get paid if and

when you show up.”

He then saw past Casper before he proceeded to herd the others into the van, and that was when the

latter distinctively heard him the man mutter “idiot” under his breath.

Screw you, *sshat.

Casper almost cussed aloud but managed to rein himself in in time. He noted the name “Vamanos

Manpower” on the back of the man’s shirt and turned his back to make two calls.

“Are we really going for it? Felix asked as he watched the man’s van depart.

“Heck yeah we are. Keep your eyes peeled ’cause I’m going to put on a show for you later!” Casper

said under gritted teeth.

This was a manpower company which bullied and exploited poor students from the Business University

who lacked real-world experience and the ability to fight back, using them as cheap labor and cutting

back on their remuneration while making off with the lucrative commissions.

This was the modern interpretation of what was previously known as feudalism.